Hedera Namespace - Accounts

Author Danno Ferrin
Discussions-To https://github.com/hashgraph/hedera-improvement-proposal/discussions/169
Status Draft
Type Standard
Created 2021-11-01
Updated 2022-03-27
Requires CAIP-2, CAIP-10
Withdrawal reason CAIP-75


For context, see the CAIP-10 specification.


In CAIP-10, a string-based general account address scheme is defined. The canonical representation of a Hedera Address encodes a three-part Hedera account ID as a string by separating the three parts with .s; this future-proofs the implementation of realms and shards, although in today’s usage, effectively all known addresses still begin with 0.0..


The account_id is a case-sensitive string in the form:

account_id:        chain_id + ":" + account_address + checksum{0,1}
chain_id:          [:-a-zA-Z0-9]{5,32}
account_address:   [0-9]{1,19} + "." + [0-9]{1,19} + "." + [0-9]{1,19}
optional checksum: "-" + [a-z]{5}

A regular expression for validating the above can be defined as:



The chain_id is specified by the CAIP-2 which describes the blockchain id. The account_address is the realm, shard, and account id, where each is separated by a dot (.) and each number is a non-negative signed 64-bit integer. The default value for realm and shard are 0.

The optional checksum is described in HIP-15. Addresses with or without checksum are both valid, so deduplication or canonicalization may be required. Note that intermediaries have no duty to validate the address against its 5-digit checksum.

Test Cases

This is a list of manually composed examples

# Devnet funding account

# Mainnet treasury

# Previewnet app properties account

# Mainnet account with checksum

# Largest possible testnet account

Backwards Compatibility

Since the checksum is optional, in pathological account numbering scenarios it may need to be dropped. It is not expected that we will see this event in normal usage.


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Please cite this document as:

Danno Ferrin, "namespaces/hedera-caip10: Hedera Namespace - Accounts [DRAFT]," Chain Agnostic Namespaces, hedera-caip10, November 2021 / March 2022. [Online serial]. Available: https://github.com/ChainAgnostic/namespaces/hedera-caip10.md