Wallet Namespace

Author Vandan Parikh, Bumblefudge
Discussions-To https://github.com/ChainAgnostic/namespaces/pull/119
Status Draft
Type Informational
Created 2024-07-16

Table of Contents


The handling of direct communications channels between cryptographic user-agents (i.e., wallets) and applications vary widely across cryptographic systems. Rather than being a true namespace defined outside of CASA, this “meta-namespace” informationally groups together the wallet sub-namespaces of other namespaces specified at CASA. This “meta-namespace” is intended to facilitate an explicit segregation of connection mechanics, methods, and notifications for these channels from the very different mechanics, methods, and notifications used for application <> node purposes in each namespace.


This namespace is purely formal and governed in CASA, and as such should only be used as a kind of “alias” or “passthrough” to each other namespace’s application<>wallet mechanisms, governed accordingly in each namespace’s native governance. Contributors are discouraged from making any claims or specifying any behaviors not already specified in the referenced namespaces; furthermore, contributers are encouraged to provide normative references when adding to the profiles for a given CAIP.

Copyright and related rights waived via CC0.


Please cite this document as:

Vandan Parikh, Bumblefudge, "namespaces/wallet: Wallet Namespace [DRAFT]," Chain Agnostic Namespaces, wallet, July 2024 / . [Online serial]. Available: https://github.com/ChainAgnostic/namespaces/wallet.md